
美国初中文学阅读课程强调激发学生阅读兴趣,实用性强,有针对性的训练英文阅读和批判性思考能力。Reading with Purpose是第一个将技能发展和深度阅读有效结合在一起的中学语言艺术课程。循序渐进和螺旋式教学方式为学生搭建强大的必要的语言基石。学生的阅读兴趣被激发,而不囿于艰难晦涩的高难度阅读。教学中增加了如人物传记、文献,时事文章,诗歌等种类的阅读,配合课堂讨论和演讲,培养学生理解、分析、批判文章的能力。学生在阅读,口语,听力和语言使用技能提高的前提下,通过这种方式的学习积极寻求理解其他观点和文化,最终形成自己独特观看世界的角度。

授课方式:VIP1对1 或 精品小班






授课方式:VIP1对1 或 精品小班



授课方式:VIP1对1 或 精品小班

美 国 历 史


授课方式:VIP1对1 或 精品小班
教学目标:完成美国中学大纲要求的美国历史教学内容。帮助中国学生提前适应美国历史课程的授课方式,也是准备AP或SAT II美国历史的最佳桥梁课程。

世 界 历 史


授课方式:VIP1对1 或 精品小班


Writer's Choice是中学生最好的语法写作教程。各模块灵活的组合可以满足按教学顺序任意安排的需求。该教程综合多维度的内容结合实际练习和应用,配合优秀的教学资源。Writer's Choice涵盖了作文部分,语法课程,文学范本和动手实践练习,提高学生学术写作能力。

授课方式:VIP1对1 或 精品小班
教学目标: 学习不同的写作格式,包括在学校、生活、工作场合中不同的写作形式,训练学生写作能力的提高。

希 腊 神 话



Language Art for Middle School

Language Art for Middle School emphasizes on stimulating students’ interest in reading and practical, targeted training in English reading and critical thinking ability. “Reading with Purpose” is the main idea to combine skills development with depth reading. Step by step and spiral teaching methods build strong and necessary language foundation. In the teaching, biographies, literature, current events, poems and other kinds of reading are added, and the ability of students to understand, analyze and criticize the articles is discussed in accordance with class discussions and speeches.

Adaptation Level:  To begin study it is suggested that students should have completed G6 in Language Arts, or already be studying in an international school or US Middle School system
Suitable Age:         12~15+ years old
Total:                      90 lessons /Grade
Class Structure:    VIP 1 to 1 & VIP Group Class
Teaching Objectives:  Students' reading interests is stimulated. With the improvement of students' reading, speaking, listening and language skills, students actively seek to understand other ideas and cultures, and finally form their own unique view of the world.

Mathematics for Middle School (Fundamental Algebra, Geometry)

Adopt the latest US State standards, not only teaching the basic mathematical concepts, but also focusing on the formation process of basic principles

Adaptation Level: To begin study it is suggested that students should have completed G6 in Language Arts, or already be studying in an international school or US Middle School system
Suitable Age:        12~15+ years old
Total:                     90 lessons /Grade
Class Structure:   VIP 1 to 1 & VIP Group Class
Teaching Objectives: Help students obtain the solid foundation of learning to ensure a College place or supplement their learning in a US Middle School to increase their standard and achieve higher score


Science for Middle School (Geo-science, Bioscience, Physical)

Focus on earth and space science, to improve the students' scientific literacy, and gradually recognize the multidimensional dimensions of the universe.

Adaptation Level:  To begin study it is suggested that students should have completed G6 in Language Arts, or already be studying in an international school or US Middle School system
Suitable Age:         12~15+ years old
Total:                       90 lessons /Grade
Class Structure:     VIP 1 to 1 & VIP Group Class
Teaching Objectives:  Training students to increase their science knowledge and to reach a higher level of education

Social Science (Ancient Civilization, American History, World History)

US History

US History includes the earliest indigenous people to the colonial period of the United States, and the American Revolution, World War II, and post war reconstruction. Let students explore and recognize the challenges faced by the USA

Adaptation Level:  To begin study it is suggested that students should have completed G6 in Language Arts, or already be studying in an international school or US Middle School system
Suitable Ages:       12~18+ years old
Total:                      90 lessons /Grade
Class Structure:    VIP 1 to 1 & VIP Group Class
Teaching Objectives:  Complete the American history teaching contents required by the American high school syllabus, and help Chinese students adapt to the course of American history curriculum in advance

World History

To understand the evolution of the world, from thousands of years ago to today's world, the occurrence and development of human civilization, and change, using the original material, case investigation and analysis, to understand the history and the development of human civilization.

Adaptation Level:  To begin study it is suggested that students should have completed G6 in Language Arts, or already be studying in an international school or US Middle School system
Suitable Age:         12~18+ years old
Total:                      90 lessons /Grade
Class Structure:    VIP 1 to 1 & VIP Group Class
Teaching Objectives:  To understand the state of the country, economic, culture and history

Optional Courses for Middle School

Writer’s Choice

Writer's Choice is the best grammar and writing courses for middle school students. It covers writing, grammar, literature and hands-on practice, to improve the ability of academic writing.

Adaptation Level:  To begin study it is suggested that students should have completed G6 in Language Arts, or already be studying in an international school or US Middle School systemSuitable Age:   12~15+ years old
Total:                      50 lessons/grade
Class Structure:    VIP 1 to 1 & VIP Group Class
Teaching Objectives:  Let students master different writing formats, and improve the writing ability


Greek Mythology

People still study the ancient Greeks and their myths much in the same reason they study other cultures and that is so they can learn from it. ... Another reason to study those Greek myths is because they have contributed a lot to classic and modern literature in the form of symbols
This can be taught as an introductory course for students from G3-G4, or at a higher level from G5 and above

Adaptation Level:  G3-G4 as an introductory course for learning about Greek Mythology or G5 and above as an advanced level of study
Suitable Age:         10~15+ years old
Total:                      20 lessons
Class Structure:    VIP Group Class
Teaching Objectives: Understand the origins and meaning of Greek Mythology, and learning how it is part of classic and modern literature