作为肯为孩子的教育付出大量时间、精力和金钱的中国家庭,孩子在成长过程中性格的缺失、学业的中断,对中国家庭都是不小的打击。在中国,大部分的孩子无法选择国际学校或出国留学,还有一些孩子离开父母和家庭在年纪很小的时候选择出国留学所带来情感的疏离也 会导致种种心理问题……
伟思东方 . 国际教育 集香港教学和教研基地以及北京的运营服务中心,帮助学生们实现外语本土化国家学业的无缝链接。教学内容涵盖语言艺术、科学、学术写作、世界历史、公共演讲、批判性思维、托福学习、面试技巧准备等等十几门课程。
伟思东方 . 国际教育 结合国际先进的教育理念和优质的教育资源,通过在线互动教学,将留学课程配备优良的师资真正引入中国,为中国学生提供与国际课程无缝连接的教育服务。
愿景:培养中国的年轻人成为具有国际视野, 融汇中西的新一代世界公民。
伟思国际教育可根据不同学生需求设置适合其学习进度和方式的个性化学习,由此激发每个学生的最大潜能。1 对1 的教学体系, 注重学生的内在喜好和选择,为每一个学生量身定制合适他/她的课程进度,我们的服务体系将全力支持学生在愉快、自由的心境下,好奇而兴奋的接收知识,体会未知的奇妙、探索的乐趣。
伟思将理解和融汇多元文化看得和语言学习、学科学习同样重要。教材的插图、格式、地道小短语,甚至包括所使用的授课软件,都与海外当下实时对接。文化的氛围是无法用公式或语法量化传授的,伟思帮助学生开启眼、口、耳、脑、意识与潜意识的完整感知系统, 让多元文化的融入成为一种自然而然的过程,不止是将学到的语言、知识用在日常的生活,而是真正理解西方文化和思维方式, 将学到的知识内化为自身的素养。
Learning without Limits – Set Students on a Path to Success
With our comprehensive 1:1 teaching we are able to prepare your son or daughter for study overseas, giving them a wide-ranging education with the latest overseas textbooks. We also support students once they arrive and are studying in High School or University, with follow up classes. We know that some students who have not had our thorough preparation cannot cope with the overseas system of education and need to unfortunately withdraw.
Wise Online Education has a teaching and research base in HK with a center in Beijing, to help students successfully make the transition to a Western Country and the educational system. Our courses cover language art, science, public speaking, TOEFL etc., and many other courses which prepare students for study abroad, including interview training.,
Wise Online Education engages excellent teachers to teach the international education system, providing the education services of international programs for students, matched with professional teachers.
Wise is committed to the global integration of educational resources through the Internet. To training the creativity, curiosity and imagination of students and giving them the confidence and language skills to be able to excel in the Overseas Language, while all the time encouraging them to become all-round talented students, with an international vision.
Vision: to train young people in China to become the new generation of world citizens.
Advantages & Service of Wise
Student-Centered Education
Students and teachers have a rapport with each other. Students can have a discussion with a teacher. Teachers encourage students to ask questions, read, think investigate or other activities, and encourage them to analyze and solve problems on their own.
Personalized and Comprehensive Professional Teaching Services
Personalized learning can be set according to the needs of different students, thereby stimulating the maximum potential of each student.
Treasure Learning Process and Ability
Do not emphasize the memory of knowledge, pay more attention to the method and ability of acquire knowledge.
Study / Understand Multi-cultural and Improve the Whole Humanistic Quality
Help students to really understand western culture and the mode of thinking, engaging the knowledge into your own accomplishment.
Complete Homogeneous & Synchronism Curriculum System in overseas:
Wise provides international education system . Complete discipline system and scientific advanced system which provides a solid background for studentsStudy / Understand Multi-cultural and Improve the Whole Humanistic Quality
Help students to really understand western culture and the mode of thinking, engaging the knowledge into your own accomplishment.